after experiencing some not-so-nice behavior in the blogging community, I decided to take a stand. I have always been the kind of person to take a negative situation, and try to turn it into a learning opportunity. It is either the product of being a social worker, or the reason I became one--whichever came first, I don't know.
I also provide training workshops on personal and organizational accountability. sounds boring I know, but it's actually very helpful in life. it's about recognizing and taking responsibility in what you can and cannot change. If you see or are experiencing something you do not agree with, and you do not do what is in your power to change it--then you are also part of the problem.
I was recently involved (I don't like the word "victim") in a situation that was hurtful. I got angry about it, I lost interest in blogging, I blamed. but then I thought, "what can I do to change this?" I can speak from my heart, and I can make an effort to be mindful of not doing the same to others. and, even better I can hope that others will join in and do the same.
and so the "kind-hearted blogger" campaign was born.
- create, inspire, and admire rather than compete with fellow bloggers
- be understanding of each other-- in the blogging community, as well as in the world
- stay away from internet/blogging bullying
- speak my opinion freely, while still being mindful of other's feelings-- be tactful.
- make an effort--no matter how big or small the gesture, to spread kindness or joy to others
- acknowledge that I will make mistakes, (I am only human) but remember to learn from them
- know that at times I will post about the negative stuff in life, and maybe even some complaining (I am only human) but I will always follow up with something happy/positive too.
- believe that this world is a good place, filled with good people.
FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN (let me know if you do so I can link you)
also, make sure to take a look at my blog pal lindsay's wonderful post on kindness. it's beautiful, and perfect, and I feel so honored to have contributed a small part to it.
Let's Run Away
Seeker of Happiness
One Day at a Time
Little Gorjuss Things
Inspired Mess
The Rockstar Mommy Chronicles
Eliza and Beth
Heart Handmade
Love Quirky!
Fizz Pop Bang Blog
Coffin Confections
Daring to Imagine Daring to Believe
A Soldier Girls Thoughts
A Quirky Girl's Thoughts
Consider My Dear
The Daisy Parade
Evershining Star
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Typical Ramblings, Atypical Nonsense
Sour Tang
The New Me
Operation Nice
Michabella Living a Life of Love
Bread Without Butter
Lea the Lion
Today's Gift
Simplest Form of an Elle
My Lovely Little Suitcase
My Empty Nest is Full of Cat Hair
Diary of a Crazy Rabbit Lady Too
500 Strangers
Paper and Pen
Sparkle and Twirl
The An9e1a Project
Twisted Tree
Living 4 Quilting
So Sew Crafty
Stories at My Fingertips
Quiltmom's Journey
This Mum's World
Pieces on My Mind
The Clip Cafe
Campfire Chic
Yesterday on Tuesday
The Life of Ashley Fastle
Life is a Canvas
Kat's Creations
The Cat's Meow
Indie and Chic
Easily Distracted
Glass Plant
Searching for Serendipity
With Love, Jamie
Jasifer Lions Club
Brina's Blog
Sandra Ortuno
Pull You Socks Up
The Hovey Hut
The Happy Scrappy Place
Buttons, Bows, and Brogues
Skook's Playground
Oh Snap!
High Hopes in High Heels
Paper Squid
Life's Indications
Art is Just Frozen Music
Zinga's Zoo
Down the Veggie Road
She Breathes Deeply
Kiorki Printing Press
Nynga + The Bear
Dreamy Fairytale
Everything of Me
Two Peas in a Pod
Fishnets and Hip Checks
Lulu in Los Angeles
The Copy Cat Blog
Cupcakes in the Kitchen
Sweetfaced Style
Medi EVI
Little Bee
Simply Loverly
Swell Papel
The Not So Pharaoh Farrows
Victoria's Secrets
Life on Planet Baby
Little Jenny, Big World
Monica Rambles
The Nearsighted Owl
Live. Love. Bake.
AJ the Purple
Sunshine and Carousels
My Little Blog Stop
The Ten Talents
Style a la Ec lec ti ca
It's Always Something
Assorted Musings
All the Pretty Thingss
Vivacious Mission
Melodies and Desires
I Dream Loudly
Dreams and Drifters
Life Lines
Mafiosa Grrl
Beneath the Acacia Tree
Of all the Nonsense
Carrie's Cache
The Feed Lot
Expecting the Unknown
The Freebird Photoblog
Ran Tan Waltz
Matchless Vision
From Gem with Love
A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That
Fashionable Academics
Soft Weather
Hold On, Love
Smelling the Sneezeweed
Cats & Cardigans
Service Travel Growth
Born 2 Be Mom
Enlightened Cooking
Dear Kee$ha
The Land of Liquid Sunshine
Style Milk
Little Moments
Blessed Bee
Kiss The Olive Goodnight
Lucky Girl
She Wears Flowers
Little One, I Know You Grow
Whimsical Poppysmic
Mouse In My Pocket
Chronicles of Sarita
Mama's Little Helper
Sweet Pea and Poppy
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
Live Laugh Love With the Pondering Princess
Pretty Petals
Cosmetically Curious
Makeup Fancy
My World Resting on Your Love
Bubbling With Elegance and Grace
Seven Cherubs
Mother. Musician. and Multi-Tasker
Dolce At Heart
Running With Chopstix
Pammy Blogs Beauty
Dillightful Musings
Daily Dose of Dahl
Make Something Good
One Step At A Time
Free To Be Me
Boho Baby Bump
A Moment With God
A Mom's Joy
The Two Buttons
Narragansett Number 7
Diary Of A Super Mommy
Katie Anna B
Say Your Right Words
Chloe's Mom
Fourty Four Sunsets
Autism As A Whole
Elly Belly Babyee
A Splendid Little Life
The Vintage Tea Party
Crafty Bird Creations
Michael and Darby
One Kind Mankind
Country Blossoms
She Stamps by Cheryl
Our Youth
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
Seeker of Happiness
One Day at a Time
Little Gorjuss Things
Inspired Mess
The Rockstar Mommy Chronicles
Eliza and Beth
Heart Handmade
Love Quirky!
Fizz Pop Bang Blog
Coffin Confections
Daring to Imagine Daring to Believe
A Soldier Girls Thoughts
A Quirky Girl's Thoughts
Consider My Dear
The Daisy Parade
Evershining Star
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Typical Ramblings, Atypical Nonsense
Sour Tang
The New Me
Operation Nice
Michabella Living a Life of Love
Bread Without Butter
Lea the Lion
Today's Gift
Simplest Form of an Elle
My Lovely Little Suitcase
My Empty Nest is Full of Cat Hair
Diary of a Crazy Rabbit Lady Too
500 Strangers
Paper and Pen
Sparkle and Twirl
The An9e1a Project
Twisted Tree
Living 4 Quilting
So Sew Crafty
Stories at My Fingertips
Quiltmom's Journey
This Mum's World
Pieces on My Mind
The Clip Cafe
Campfire Chic
Yesterday on Tuesday
The Life of Ashley Fastle
Life is a Canvas
Kat's Creations
The Cat's Meow
Indie and Chic
Easily Distracted
Glass Plant
Searching for Serendipity
With Love, Jamie
Jasifer Lions Club
Brina's Blog
Sandra Ortuno
Pull You Socks Up
The Hovey Hut
The Happy Scrappy Place
Buttons, Bows, and Brogues
Skook's Playground
Oh Snap!
High Hopes in High Heels
Paper Squid
Life's Indications
Art is Just Frozen Music
Zinga's Zoo
Down the Veggie Road
She Breathes Deeply
Kiorki Printing Press
Nynga + The Bear
Dreamy Fairytale
Everything of Me
Two Peas in a Pod
Fishnets and Hip Checks
Lulu in Los Angeles
The Copy Cat Blog
Cupcakes in the Kitchen
Sweetfaced Style
Medi EVI
Little Bee
Simply Loverly
Swell Papel
The Not So Pharaoh Farrows
Victoria's Secrets
Life on Planet Baby
Little Jenny, Big World
Monica Rambles
The Nearsighted Owl
Live. Love. Bake.
AJ the Purple
Sunshine and Carousels
My Little Blog Stop
The Ten Talents
Style a la Ec lec ti ca
It's Always Something
Assorted Musings
All the Pretty Thingss
Vivacious Mission
Melodies and Desires
I Dream Loudly
Dreams and Drifters
Life Lines
Mafiosa Grrl
Beneath the Acacia Tree
Of all the Nonsense
Carrie's Cache
The Feed Lot
Expecting the Unknown
The Freebird Photoblog
Ran Tan Waltz
Matchless Vision
From Gem with Love
A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That
Fashionable Academics
Soft Weather
Hold On, Love
Smelling the Sneezeweed
Cats & Cardigans
Service Travel Growth
Born 2 Be Mom
Enlightened Cooking
Dear Kee$ha
The Land of Liquid Sunshine
Style Milk
Little Moments
Blessed Bee
Kiss The Olive Goodnight
Lucky Girl
She Wears Flowers
Little One, I Know You Grow
Whimsical Poppysmic
Mouse In My Pocket
Chronicles of Sarita
Mama's Little Helper
Sweet Pea and Poppy
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
Live Laugh Love With the Pondering Princess
Pretty Petals
Cosmetically Curious
Makeup Fancy
My World Resting on Your Love
Bubbling With Elegance and Grace
Seven Cherubs
Mother. Musician. and Multi-Tasker
Dolce At Heart
Running With Chopstix
Pammy Blogs Beauty
Dillightful Musings
Daily Dose of Dahl
Make Something Good
One Step At A Time
Free To Be Me
Boho Baby Bump
A Moment With God
A Mom's Joy
The Two Buttons
Narragansett Number 7
Diary Of A Super Mommy
Katie Anna B
Say Your Right Words
Chloe's Mom
Fourty Four Sunsets
Autism As A Whole
Elly Belly Babyee
A Splendid Little Life
The Vintage Tea Party
Crafty Bird Creations
Michael and Darby
One Kind Mankind
Country Blossoms
She Stamps by Cheryl
Our Youth
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
1 – 200 of 981 Newer› Newest»I love this Joanne!!! I took the pledge!!! I put the button on my blog!! This is such a great and awesome idea!! I love it!! I also love that you took a negative and turned it into a positive! We all need to do that more :)
HUgs to you and I hope you have an awesome day!!
you're so great!
yay to spreading kindness in all things, including blogging!
i'm taking the pledge, and spreading the word!
that is very sweet, brave, & bold of u! but i've had a rotten day & my mood is blah now so i can't commit 2 NE pledge. i feel like spitting & throwing things like a toddler instead of being nice. so what i'm sayin is i really admire what u R tryin 2 do. good job.
Hello there Jo-Annie!
I was reading Lindsays blog, and I noticed this great little pledge button she had on her sidebar. Always being one for random acts of kindness and fairness, equality and all around nice behavior in the blog world, I was really happy to click.
I was even happier when the button brought me to you and your little blog. Not only will I be making the pledge, following you and adding the button to my blog, but I will be reading your words every time you post them, happily and enthusiastically because you are what I think blogging is all about. Who are we if we can't be honest about how a situation makes us feel and we don't do something to fix it! This is insanely inspirational and I totally commend you for being so nice and clever and making it happen.
My blog is and I hope to hear from you soon, love!
Thank you for touching my heart on a day where, for the fourth time in a row, I am sick on the couch watching Children's television. I love you for it, I really do.
Much Love,
Norah xx
p.s. Em Jay is simply the cutest little girl I have ever seen. :D
Thanks you guys! you're just wonderful! I've added you to the blog post.
And Teddi... haha! I have much too often felt that way! love how descriptive you are--I'm trying to picture you throwing like a toddler!
I took this pledge because I think it's beautiful! The button is on me blog.
And I'm not a social worker yet, but in school to be one, and I think that the whole "why can't we all just be kind to each other" attitude really does come with the territory ;)
Thanks for this!
This is awesome! I've added a link
WOW ! fantastic, I've joined, I always believe in being nice ! :D
This is so beautiful and wonderful and I wholeheartedly agree!!! I'm going to add the button now!!! xo
This is fantastic! I'm in!
Oh my! I took the pledge.
I'm adding the button right now!
Im in! Ive just nabbed the button! Im so sorry you had a negative experience. Its so easy to take things personally.. reading some ppls comments on ppls youtube videos.. jeepers.. honestly.. i always use the old .. "if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all" mantra that i was taught as a kid.
lots of love xo
Wow what a wonderful idea. You make the blogger world a better place! :o)
This is a wonderful idea.
And what a lovely blog behind it too!
this is such a great idea. I am gonna grab the button now. thanks for starting this xo
I've taken the pledge and added your button to my side bar. I think it's a wonderful idea. XxX
Fantastic. I will add your button to my blog. Sign me up for the pledge! We should all be mindful of our manners. Sadly, these days, most are not. Thank you for inspiring kindness! :D
what a wonderful idea! it's so great that you were able to take a negative experience and turn it into something positive. add me to the pledge. i have the button on my side-bar.
I am so taking this pledge. I know what it's like to get slammed and blasted and I too post heartbreaking thoughts and positive images .. so this is perfect.
I experienced this and sad to say I've been on both ends. There needs to be more of this! Thank you and i'm sorry something so great had to be born out of something so harsh. xo
What a fabulous idea! I totally stuck your badge on my blog as soon as I saw it. Luckily I haven't run into any problems yet, but it never hurts to be proactive!
What an wonderful pledge to take as a blogger!! I am definitely going to put this button on my blog. I think your blog is just lovely!!
I'm in! Some of us are too sensitive over anything. I hope I dont have to worry now.
Love this idea. Too many folks are ready to argue and compete and get their feelings hurt rather than lift up and inspire one another. I'm all in - putting the button on the blog now! :)
hi! new follower here! I love this idea! am gonna grab this button now! :)
This is so nice. I have not had any "blog drama' in my life yet, I just tend to avoid blogs and sites with a negative vibe.
I took the pledge and put the badge in my blog, hopefully others will be inspired to keep posting good things!
swap-bot Im a blogger, Follow me!
This is great! I'm so happy to have stumbled on to your blog and this kindness pledge. I took the pledge and I'm now following your blog <3
This is really lovely! I just found your blog, and I think this is a wonderful idea!! I've taken the pledge and put the banner on my blog!
<3 Kelly
awesome idea! I take the pledge and proudly display the button on my blog! :)
This is a lovely idea! I put the button on my blog. Thanks so much!
Found you through Kind Over Matter. :) I'm all about this! In fact, I blog about being nice, so I would look hypocritical if I was anything other than kind! I posted your badge on Operation NICE and pledge to do all of the items posted above!
LOVE THIS! I am all about this pledge. <333
I am participating in this pledge! The blogging community can be a very positive place to let go and be free! I think we should all support one another and just show the love!!
Posting the button on my page :D!
I took the kind hearted blogger pledge and added the badge to my blog.
Natasha from:
I would love to join, you are amazing for doing this! I love your blog and what you stand for!!
here is my blog
I'm taking the button I love this
I am SO happy that I found your blog and your pledge through Kind Over Matter Blog.
I am posting your button on my blog and I plan on writing my Makes Me Happy Monday post about it.....
Thank you for starting this and for spreading the word.
I love your initiative! I really like to join!
I've joined you! It's a shame there is a need for us to even take this pledge though, eh? Shouldn't we just all Be Nice? :\ Think I might be blogging about that soon...
i took the pledge! thank you! this is nice :)
i took the pledge! thank you for this :)
i posted it here:
it's my blog dedicated to random acts of kindness :) i hope you can participate as well. :)
I am so happy to have found your blog! This kind-hearted blogger pledge is a wonderful thing! I am so happy to have the opportunity to be a part of it.
I have the badge posted on my blog. You might have to scroll down just a teeny bit, but it's right under my "About Me".
Thank you so much for creating this! Truly lovely!
Have a wonderful day!
Oh, and I forgot to add a link to my blog. Here you go:
this is so very wonderful. i glad i found you on "kind over matter's" list. i have shared your message on my post here...
your rainbow bubbles of kindness are blowing around the world.
I took the pledge! :)
I found you by way of Sheila-My Empty Nest is Full of Cat Hair...
This is so nice. I just found your blog, and I think this is a wonderful idea!! I've taken the pledge and put the banner on my blog!
I found you by way of Sheila-My Empty Nest is Full of Cat Hair...
This is so nice. I just found your blog, and I think this is a wonderful idea!! I've taken the pledge and put the banner on my blog!
I wanted to let you know that when I tried to put your link about kinder heart to my blog, I was told that the link was broken so I couldn't do so. I do agree with you on this. I do my best to not be upsetting to others & encourage them when I can. So I am following your blog. Thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone in thinking this way.
How lovely. I have taken the Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge & put the button on my blog. I'm new to blogging & am simply enjoying the creativity of others & having fun. Stay positive!
I can't believe it took me this long to find a pledge as wonderful as this! I am pledging, now! :)
You may link me up, if you would like to. :)
Sorry I typed too fast and didn't proof read my first comment so I will try and write more carefully this time.
I love the kindness badge and have placed it on my blog. I have never understood why someone would choose to be negative and hurtful with another person- especially when that person is putting themselves out there by writing the blogpost. I think your badge is a wonderful and a thoughtful idea. I hope many others will take up this caring pledge.
Warmest regards,
I've taken the pledge!
What a good idea - I took the pledge. So sorry to hear that you've had some bad experiences - hopefully this will help get the word out, and encourage those who think it's okay to share their thoughts no matter how hurtful to stop and think before writing. So nice to see hurt turned into something positive.
Great thanks adding button now and thanks for linking on your site too :-)
taking the pledge:) great idea.
i'm taking the pledge... sweet idea + i'm your newest follower
I love this idea!!!! I took the pledge and posted it on my blog. I love your blog.
I love this idea as well! I've taken the pledge :)
What a great idea! I am so sick of seeing people posting nasty comments on other peoples blogs. It just not nice. I have added the button to my blog.
This is awesome! Count me in! : )
I'm in ;)
what a fantastic idea. Ive posted the button on my blog :)
Wonderful idea! I totally agree with your thoughts, button/pledge on my blog with a link to this post! Count me in!
I love this and agree %100!!
I'm taking the pledge! Go you for creating this :)
xo, Jamie
That is such an amazing idea! I've never taken a pledge before but I think this one is really worthwhile! I've also placed the button on my blog. It's so nice to spread the love!
count me in! Im all for this! :)
What a great idea. I have always tried to keep my blog upbeat. A great piece of advice I once read was "Don't vent your personal issues on your blog." How true.
I took the pledge! Your button is now on my blog! :)
Thank you so much for your great idea :) I definetely take the pledge ;) My blog is
Have a really lovely day.
Thank you so much for your great idea :) I definetely take the pledge ;) My blog is
Have a really lovely day.
I love your attitude - taking a negative situation and trying to create something beneficial from it for you and others. Spread the love! I would love to be added to your list and I've grabbed the button. Well done! xo
Adding your badge to my blog right now...found you on Operation Nice. I'm loving this "nice" community thing.
Super awesome idea : ) I'm definately a lover not a fighter so this seems like a wonderful idea! HAve added button to my blog....Love & Peace!
I love this idea! Blogging and the blogging community should be enjoyable, I've taken the pledge :D
I'm in. Never been a part of blogging drama, hope to never be either. Sorry someone picked on you. Hope we can all live life a bit more kindly both on and off the internet. Much love to you.
Yay! Thanks so much for adding me to the list!
Link me Please! Love you and this site! :)
Hi. I just found out about this and love everything about it and your site. I've just added the button to my blog.
I will love to join: )
You are amazing, action speaks louder then words, and that's what you are proving to us. Your actions speak to my heart.
Life's Indications @
I joined! :)
I officially take the pledge! Here and now! I'll put the button on my blog! :D
Thanks for being amazing! <3 Carla
Yep - I am taking the pledge - great idea, we dont need any more nastyness....
Thanks for such a great idea - have added the button to my blog...
What a great thing! I would love to be a part of this :0)
We all need to practice more kindness to others!
My blog is:
Now to add your button ;)
Brilliant! I took the pledge, and added the button to my page!
Really great idea.
-Mandy @ She Breathes Deeply
I have just started a blog and want to add this. Now to show my stupidity. How can I do that?
Joined! I want to spread this great word to everyone who reads my blog.
I took the pledge. I'm in.
I also put the button on my blog.
oh wow....this is so great :) I´ll join definitely :)
Thank you so much for your button. This is really cute:)
Oh, this idea is just too lovely.
I'm totally in!
This is a great idea, just happened upon it today via "stories at my fingertips". I'm new to blogging, loving it and have had nothing but positive experiences thus far, I can't imagine it being a negative thing. I love this pledge, I'm in! Button is on my blog ;)
I just took the pledge as well !
I love this. I nabbed this from PullYourSocksUp and as a 46 yr. old "fringe" blogger, I too have been the object of mean spirited commenters.
It still hurts my feelings after all these years :)
Pop by sometime.
I love meeting new kind bloggers and I also used to be a social worker in a drug rehab for women and their children. Great spirits always find each other ;)
Retro Reva
And I am now your latest follower :)
taking the pledge ;)
lovely idea ;) REPOSTING it on my wall
I'd Love to join:) Is it as easy as commenting and adding to my page?
love and bubbles,
Hi, I love what you are doing, I have been doing something similar on my blog :)
I have taken the plegde, and would love to feature you on my blog :) let me know if you would be interested :)
<3 Anika
i took the pledge.
Medi EVI -->
Genius work for starting this pledge! It's absolutely inspiring! I've taken the pledge!
I'm taking the pledge :D
I took the pledge...that is part of the reason why I shut down my blog I used to have...:( But I figured others shouldn't ruin my enjoyment...that is why I started
to keep on sharing the love and joy of life!
I completely take the pledge! I believe with that kindness and joy are contagious and that we all need to be a little bit more proactive about being nice and doing kind things.
What a wonderful, yet simple concept. Thanks for putting this out there.
Mariana from
This is so very worthwhile and needed to be done! Thankyou for being the one to do it. I definately take the pledge!!
I would love to join! count me in!
Such a great idea: my blog is THe Not So Pharaoh Farrows at
Just passing through,
But what a wonderful idea.
my blogs.
Thanks, Joanne! I have taken the pledge and added your button at As a newbie blogger, I love the sentiment! Jane
I most definitely pledged! :)
What a wonderful idea.
i love this! i'm taking the pledge! thanks :)
Monica xx
i love this! i'm taking the pledge! thanks :)
Monica xx
Taking the pledge!
As a new blogger, I would love to take the pledge! Starting now! :) This is a great campaign, thanks for starting it :)
How lovely! I am a fellow believer in positivity, and I am taking this pledge. I believe in making the world a better place, starting with kindness. Let's go! :)
Oops, my new blog location is:
I love this. I have taken the pledge as well. This is a very wonderful idea. Thanks. :)
What a great idea, i've taken to pledge too! :)
WOW! It's awesome to see so many people be all for this! What an inspiring idea you had!
I am all for this 100%! I put the badge on both of my blogs:
Great blog you got here! Thanks!
This is such a wonderful idea. The reason I love the blogging community so much is that it's so positive and people are so encouraging. I'm all for spreading the word about this. I have now taken the pledge and added the button to my blog so all of my readers will see it, too. :)
I concur with all of it! I'm taking the pledge too. I hope more people join because I love this positive, supportive community and would hate to see any negativity brought into it!
I just wanted to let you know that i was taking the pledge, and i cannot believe how amazingly positive this campaign is!!
Great Idea!!! So happy I can be involved :]
I know exactly what you mean. I'm joining the pledge!
I haven't been blogging for long but I really love this. I'm glad to join :)
I joined the pledge! Thanks!
Kate @
This is absolutely wonderful! I am joining. Thank you (:
I took the pledge.. This is a great idea
There are some crazy bloggers out there fo sho.
This is a great idea.
I took the pledge!
I took the pledge. Awesome idea. The badge fits my blog theme at Thank you.
This is such a good idea! I'm def. going to be putting this button on my blog :) I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying. I'm so tired of people going out of their way just to be rude to strangers. I wish people like that could get a hobby and do something constructive with their time. They would be much happier people and have less time to be mean :)
I love this! I posted the button on my blog and pledge the message!
Beneath the Acacia Tree
Love this! I've taken the pledge, and am adding the button right now!
XO, Allie.
I am very proud to have added the button and taken the pledge :)
What a lovely idea, I've taken the pledge, and have added the button. Thank you for sharing!
i have taken the pledge and am proudly adorning my blog button!
Love this idea! :) I am following you!
Follow me too!
What a lovely idea! ^_^
I'm taking the pledge and linking it from my site, too. ♥
i love this pledge, count me in! sorry about your bad experience, but happy it lead you to have a reaction like this! way to turn it into a positive thing!
I saw This button on Sofia's Journal, clicked on it and now I want to join the fun! It's so thoughtful of you - I'm taking the pledge!
I shall add the button in two ticks - just need to get my head round all the confusing HTML :)
<3 Love from
What a wonderful idea! I am glad to see I am not the only one who has noticed some negativity. I'd love to join your pledge!!
Love it, I'm joining. xx
I just posted this button on my blog!!!
Lets spread some kindness today, shall we? :)
I just posted this button on my blog:) Great thing here, I am glad I found your blog.....
I love this! I'm joining in on both my blogs:
This is so great! I love this. Taking the pledge, & adding to my site. XoXo <3
Wonderful! I took the pledge and I'll be taking a button as well.
I took the button; saw it on several blogs today, and came over.
I absolutely love your campaign! I just added the button to my page, and can't wait to pass the word on to fellow bloggers!
i joined! love it! :)
I'm taking the pledge! Thank you for starting this! :)
Stopping by, following, and taking the pledge! I think this is a wonderful idea, and I'm glad I've come across your blog. :) Thank you for speaking out and being an inspiration to the rest of us!
thank you so much for starting this! I am adding a badge (and taking the pledge) ...Camilla :)
I love this idea! I put the pledge and the button on my blog!
I LOVE this! Thank you so much! I think it is important to spread GOOD attitudes, love, kindness, and happiness to everyone! There's never enough of it in the world...there's always room for MORE!
I took the pledge and put it on my blog. :-)
Again thank you so much!
I LOVE this! I had some negative incidents with blogging too which is a real shame as so much of it has been amazing!
I am definitely popping this on for sure!!!!
Jen (style MILK)
I love this I needed some inspirtation on being kind and more positive in my blog, I will gladly make the plege:)
Count me in :) i have added a lovely button on to my blog, a really sweet concept
I am taking the pledge!
I agree, Its not hard to be kind.
Im new in the blogging world, and taking the vow. Thank You!
I love this--thank you!
I'm definitely adding your button to my blog.
I am taking the pledge. Great idea.
This is really sweet! Such a wonderful idea!
I'm all over this!
adding it to my blog:
Brilliant idea. I've taken the pledge :)
I love this I needed some inspirtation on being kind, I will gladly make the plege:)
I took the pledge.
I took the kind hearted blogger pledge! You can also find your cute button on my sidebar!!
Thanks! This is great! I am definately doing this and have posted your button in my sidebar. Thanks for taking on such a good cause.
this is brilliant! i'm a kind blogger too :)
What a great idea chick! I'm going to post the badge now :) Thanks for the kindness!!
This is just lovely. I took the pledge and added the badge to my page! Thanks for this. :)
What a lovely blog pledge! I'm going to add it to mine right now! Thanks so much!
Liesl :)
what a great pledge I took it and am posting the badge on my blog..
wow.....saw the pledge on other blogs so decided to take it.i am posting the badge on my blog.please link me up.
xoxo sugarkanke,
This is wonderful. I am apalled at all the recent online bullying and it really disappoints me that the blogging community has become a sort of competitive place, filled with cruel and disrespectful comments both in blogging and on YouTube. But it is a community, and it should remain a positive community where we can all learn from on another. I take this pledge with you and I commend you for being a positive role model in the blogging community. Please feel free to link to my blog as I have now posted this badge to continue to spread the good word. =)
What an amazing thing you are doing for the blogging community! (and for people in general) I really admire this and would be honoured to be part of it! I will add the link to my page and hope many others continue to do so! Thanks again!
Great idea, and much needed! Count me in!
Emily, Makeup Fancy Blog
I absolutely LOVE this. Such a wonderful idea and it makes me happy. :) i think the negative sides of blogging is what's kept me from it. I'm posting the pledge now. Thanks for this. :)
I pledged, this is great. I have
put this on my blogs.
what an awesome idea - going to put it on my blog :)
Absolutely love this idea (found you through Sophia's Journal). I've pledged and have the link on my blog.
Thanks Rachel x
I just took the pledge! :)
I'm a new blogger but I am loving the experience. Following you now :)
I love this!! I started blogging over the summer and I've witnessed a few of these negative potholes. I'm taking the pledge!
What a wonderful idea!!! Thank you so much for starting this initiative! I am pretty new to blogging (been blogging about 6 weeks?). I vote to keep blogging friendly and kind! I want to connect with other kind people online! Thanks again for what you are doing!!!
Here is my blog:
This is a sweet idea, I am taking the pledge and adding the button to my blog too. Thank you! :)
This is sooo nice! I already placed the button on my page. :)
I believe that kindness is beautiful :)
The button is on my page too. What a great idea. I am kinda new at this blogging stuff and didn't realize people did that to each other. Thanks for taking a stand!
What a wonderful and much needed idea! Thank you so much for this! I took the pledge and put the button in my post and will also put it on my page. Cheers!
This is an incredible idea... I took the pledge, and am behind it 150%.
Thanks for supporting this!
This is a wonderful campaign. It's not hard to be nice to everyone, but it does require some effort. Thank you for doing this.
I'm putting the button on my page right now!
Great idea!! I like your style!
I'm taking the pledge!
-C took the pledge lovely!
I took the pledge and put the button on my blog!
Hello! I stumbled across this page and took the pledge
i took the pledge!
I took the pledge and thank you for coming up with such a fantastic idea! It would have been nice if the fellow blogger who was NOT so nice a few days ago took the pledge too :)
My blog now proudly carries your button.
I took the pledge, thank you♥
this is great! i took the pledge.
I would love to take your kindhearted pledge.
Thank you for letting us be a part of something lovely.
I took the pledge!
I took the pledge! I think this is a wonderful idea. Bless you for thinking of this<3
i pledge as well!
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