Monday, June 14, 2010


We're starting to get back into the routine of of them being our late afternoon walks.  We usually try to walk around 5:30 or 6:00 depending on when I get home from work.  Since Em is still not back to herself, I decided to take her on her first walk since returning home to give her some fresh air, and keep her from getting fussy.  She was still a little groggy from her nap, but as you can see from the photos it was a good idea.  She was so happy, and it was nice to sit on our hill and just be.

Then we went home, ate dinner, and waited for daddy to get home from a BBQ we were supposed to go to.  I decided to skip, to let Em rest another day.  And me too, since it's back to work tomorrow-- such a short vacation, but I did get to take a nap today!  My first nap in...I don't know. AGES! I'm so not a nap person (unlike the daddy. ha!) so I know I must have been tired.

Speaking of daddy.  Em wanted me to buy her a set of sea animals from the California Academy of Sciences gift shop, because she insisted that this is her daddy...

She even "feeds" him saying, "daddy eat too!"  The funny thing is, I'm not sure she has ever seen Marc in his dive gear before. He's always in regular clothes when he gets home from diving.  I'm thinking she just associates anything fish or ocean related to him. very cute.

1 comment:

ALLI said...

now THIS is a blog! haha. didn't know you had one til i saw it on dari's list. you are blog queen! mine pales in comparison :)