Friday, June 3, 2011


1.   I love:  being a mommy because: it's fun, it's challenging, it's rewarding, it's frustrating, and it opens you heart in so many ways.

2.  A time that mama knew best was: when I was little she told me, "you always have a choice".  Now I teach this in my accountability training class. "no matter what, you have a choice-- you can choose how you deal with a situation."  Are you waiting to "get happy or find happiness" or choosing to "be happy".  This gets you a long way in life.

3.  My first kiss went a little like this: is it bad that I don't remember?

4.  My celebrity crush is: hmmm. leonardo dicaprio, joseph gordon levitt

5.  My splurge of choice is: jeans!

6.  My biggest accomplishment is: I would say being a mom, but I don't think it's something you "accomplish" -- it's a work in progress.  maybe getting my LCSW liscensure- I'm pretty happy about that.

7.  My dance jam of choice is: if I hear this song in a club, I WILL dance.  guaranteed.


Unknown said...

This is very cute.
I like your little piece about "your choice". Doesn't it surprise you to realize how many things really do stick with you from your parents??

I've been shocked. :)

Sarah said...

I love your mom's advice, brilliant!

I am following you from Fill in the blanks Friday